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837016 - Omega Yeast - OYL-016 - Extra Special
837016 - Omega Yeast - OYL-016 - Extra Special
Price: $8.99

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Availability: Ready To Ship
Part Number: 837016

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A classic ESB strain best suited for English style ales including milds, bitters, porters, and English style stouts. Ales produced with this strain tend to be fruity, increasingly so with higher fermentation temperatures of 70-74F. A thorough diacetyl rest is recommended after fermentation is complete.

  • Flocculation: Very High - Attenuation: 67-71%
  • Temperature Range: 64-72 F - Alcohol Tolerance: 9% ABV
  • Approximately 150 billion viable cells per package.
  • Compares to Wyeast 1968 and WLP002
  • UPC: 855651008055

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