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851216 - Copper Alt
851216 - Copper Alt
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Price: $24.99

Quantity in Stock:17

Availability: Ready To Ship
Part Number: 851216



An Altbier with a lovely Copper hue, this is an easy-drinking brew that anyone can enjoy.

  • OG: 1.052
  • Color: 11 SRM
  • IBU: 21 - ABV: 5.1%
  • Makes 5 gallons. Bottle caps and priming sugar not included
  • Liquid yeast alternative: Omega OYL-044

Brew Schedule

.5lb Caramel 40LSteep 20 minutes at 155F
3.3lbs Munich LME60 minute boil
3lbs Pilsen DME60 minute boil
1oz Kent Golding hops60 minute boil
Ale YeastFerment at 60-62F

Average Rating: Average Rating: 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 2 Write a review »

  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Serious beer April 15, 2016
Reviewer: the Real Brew Dawg from Eau Claire, WI United States  
I've brewed several alts now, and this might just be the best of the lot.  Great flavor.  It is going quickly so I better order another one now.

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  1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Copper Alt January 16, 2014
Reviewer: Joseph Graham from Zephyrhills, FL United States  
Lots of flavor, one of my new favorites. I will make it again and age it a bit longer than 2 weeks

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