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832000 - Wyeast 2000 - Budvar Lager
832000 - Wyeast 2000 - Budvar Lager
Price: $6.99

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Availability: Backordered
Part Number: 832000

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Nice malty nose, subtle fruit. Rich malt profile on palate. Finishes malty but dry, well balanced, crisp. Hop character comes through in finish.

Styles:, Bohemian Pilsner, Classic American Pilsner, Dortmunder Export, Lite American Lager

  • Flocculation: Medium-High - Attenuation: 71-75%
  • Temperature Range: 48-56 F
  • Alcohol Tolerance: 9% ABV
  • DISCONTINUED. Please check our selection of Omega yeast and dry yeast.

Average Rating: Average Rating: 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 1 Write a review »

  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 I always pre order July 28, 2014
Reviewer: Reinstone from IL United States  
This yeast arrived very fresh- Ritebrew always ships fresh yeast-fast.

I was unfamiliar with this yeast and may have not treated it right.  I believe that a diaceytal rest is required.  This yeast worked so fast (at the right pitch rates) that i may have been late on the rest.

I was slightly above terminal gravity at 4 days-pitched at the low end of the temp range and fermented at 51.  

The beer brewed was a bohemian pilsner and I am unfamiliar with the cycle of this beer in relation to other beers.  In my opinion the yeast seems to be taking longer than the lagers I normally brew in terms of how long it takes for the beer to be clean tasting.  

it has been roughly 60 days since the beer was brewed and the diacytal seems to be getting reduced.  I am left with a bit of sweetness that may meld with other flavors with extra lagering time.  

Understand that this is not a bad beer for 60 days-It may just need another month or so.

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